Project | Type | # | Outcome | Report | Year | FEC |
Arctic Biodiversity Assessment (ABA) | Action | 15 | Promote public training, education and community-based monitoring, where appropriate, as integral elements in conservation and management. 15.1. Update CAFF’s strategy and guidelines for community-based monitoring, including tools and exploration of how to better integrate this type of monitoring with existing monitoring and ways to use it in early warning systems to detect changes. 15.2. Increase engagement of youth and early career scientists in the activities of CAFF to train the next generation of conservation leaders. | Actions for Arctic Biodiversity, 2013-2021: Implementing the recommendations of the Arctic Biodiversity Assessment | 2015 | |
Arctic Biodiversity Assessment (ABA) | Action | 16 | Research and monitor individual and cumulative effects of stressors and drivers of relevance to biodiversity, with a focus on stressors that are expected to have rapid and significant impacts and issues where knowledge is lacking. This should include, but not be limited to, modelling potential future species range changes as a result of these stressors; developing knowledge of and identifying tipping points, thresholds and cumulative effects for Arctic biodiversity; and developing robust quantitative indicators for stressors through the Circumpolar Biodiversity Monitoring Program. 16.1. Analyse the state of knowledge and data on cumulative effects and identify priorities, adding the biotic parameters to abiotic work. 16.2. Consider impacts of stressors and drivers within the scheduled reviews of the CBMP ecosystem monitoring plans. 16.3. Continue to develop and report on key robust indicators of Arctic biodiversity, in particular ones that can be used to track and understand cumulative effects. a. Update the Arctic Biodiversity Trends 2010; selected indicators of change report b. Land cover Change Index c. Protected areas using data from CAFF and PAME d. Arctic Migratory Bird Index e. Invasive species. 16.4 Improve predictive capacity through increased observations, research, scenarios and models as tools for understanding of processes governing changes in the Arctic and influencing future decisions. 16.5. Update the 2011 assessment on Arctic Ocean Acidification, including the extent andbiological effects and case studies of impacts in specific Arctic areas (Assessment of ArcticOcean Acidification). 16.6. Assess the combined effects of contaminants and climate change. 16.7. Assess the effects on marine mammals of ship noise, disturbance and strikes in Arcticmarine waters and, where needed, develop and mitigation strategies (AMSA IIG). 16.8. Based on current work by the CircumArctic Rangifer Monitoring and Assessment (CARMA) Network, develop an example of an ecosystem approach to cumulative effects from a keystone species’ perspective, integrating, over the species annual range, effects from climate change, infrastructure and human activity. The emphasis is on: 1) the assessment framework, 2) standardized monitoring protocols, 3) model-based assessment tools, and 4) application to ecosystem-based management and sensitive habitat protection and management. | Actions for Arctic Biodiversity, 2013-2021: Implementing the recommendations of the Arctic Biodiversity Assessment | 2015 | |
Arctic Biodiversity Assessment (ABA) | Action | 17 | Develop communication and outreach tools and methodologies to better convey the importance and value of Arctic biodiversity and the changes it is undergoing. 17.1. Implement CAFF’s communications strategy and update as needed. 17.2. Develop tools to raise awareness of Arctic biodiversity, and the multiple challenges it faces, for example Through the Lens photography competition, and create publications, articles, films, social media, media campaigns and educational kits. 17.3. Provide status and trend information to international fora and national agencies to promote the importance of Arctic biodiversity and to facilitate reporting through multilateral environmental agreements and other international processesa. Reframe the results of the ABA as a regional biodiversity outlook for the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) and as a contribution to the biodiversity and ecosystem services regional reports for the Americas and Europe and Central Asia being prepared for Intergovernmental Panel on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services. b. Report to the CBD on progress of the Arctic region towards achievement of the Aichi Biodiversity Targets. 17.4. Develop educational materials based on the ABA (in several languages). a. Pilot: educational toolkit on Arctic ecology for children ages 9-11. 17.5 Develop and implement outreach products to communicate the outcomes of this plan | Actions for Arctic Biodiversity, 2013-2021: Implementing the recommendations of the Arctic Biodiversity Assessment | 2015 | |
Arctic Biodiversity Assessment (ABA) | Action | CHALLENGE There is mistrust between Arctic Indigenous peoples and scientists, and scientists often lack adequate preparation for working cross-culturally. POTENTIAL ACTIONS AND OPPORTUNITIES Increase opportunities for cross-cultural learning, understanding, and trust building. | Arctic Traditional Knowledge and Wisdom: Changes in the North American Arctic | 2017 | ||
Arctic Biodiversity Assessment (ABA) | Action | CHALLENGE There is no consistent approach to working with Traditional Knowledge and Wisdom. POTENTIAL ACTIONS AND OPPORTUNITIES Create best practices through demonstration projects and on-the-ground work, including an evaluation of past projects and analysis of what worked and what didn’t. | Arctic Traditional Knowledge and Wisdom: Changes in the North American Arctic | 2017 | ||
Arctic Biodiversity Assessment (ABA) | Action | CHALLENGE Very complex and dynamic systems. POTENTIAL ACTIONS AND OPPORTUNITIES Effective partnerships and/or a formalized system of sharing among Arctic Indigenous peoples and scientists would more effectively engage human intelligence to deal with issues, for example utilizing Traditional Knowledge and Wisdom as early warnings of environmental change | Arctic Traditional Knowledge and Wisdom: Changes in the North American Arctic | 2017 | ||
Arctic Biodiversity Assessment (ABA) | Action | CHALLENGE Fragmented research, lack of people working across disciplines. POTENTIAL ACTIONS AND OPPORTUNITIES Traditional Knowledge and Wisdom can provide information that may indicate connections between phenomena; it can assist the scientists and researchers in developing ecosystem approaches to monitoring, research, and management. | Arctic Traditional Knowledge and Wisdom: Changes in the North American Arctic | 2017 | ||
Arctic Biodiversity Assessment (ABA) | Action | CHALLENGE Research is not year-round and data gaps are many in the remote Arctic. POTENTIAL ACTIONS AND OPPORTUNITIES Traditional Knowledge and Wisdom can fill data gaps since observations are year-round and often draw on long time frames | Arctic Traditional Knowledge and Wisdom: Changes in the North American Arctic | 2017 | ||
Arctic Biodiversity Assessment (ABA) | Action | CHALLENGE Funding is inconsistent, often leaving out the involvement of Arctic Indigenous peoples. POTENTIAL ACTIONS AND OPPORTUNITIES Funding aimed at actively engaging Indigenous peoples and organizations in scientific activities and to improve the understanding and use Traditional Knowledge and Wisdom | Arctic Traditional Knowledge and Wisdom: Changes in the North American Arctic | 2017 | ||
Arctic Biodiversity Assessment (ABA) | Action | CHALLENGE It can be difficult for researchers to understand Traditional Knowledge and Wisdom, how it is validated, how to best apply it, especially elder wisdom, and how to effectively partner. POTENTIAL ACTIONS AND OPPORTUNITIES Encourage equal partnerships and participation throughout biodiversity assessment projects that affect Indigenous peoples. | Arctic Traditional Knowledge and Wisdom: Changes in the North American Arctic | 2017 | ||
Arctic Biodiversity Assessment (ABA) | Action | CHALLENGE Institutional structures can marginalize other forms of knowledge. POTENTIAL SOLUTION/AUTHOR RECOMMENDATION Work to remove institutional barriers and improve processes for the effective use of Traditional Knowledge and Wisdom and involvement of Arctic indigenous peoples. | Arctic Traditional Knowledge and Wisdom: Changes in the North American Arctic | 2017 | ||
CBird: Seabird Expert Group | Action | 4.1 | Consumptive use: 1.Develop international harvest plans, 2. Establish appropriate harvest rules , 3.Obtain reliable harvest estimates , 4. Evaluate the opportunity for guided hunts, 5. Support egg and down collection programs. | Circumpolar Eider Conservation Strategy and Action Plan | 1997 | |
CBird: Seabird Expert Group | Action | 4.2 | Non consumptive use: 6. Evaluate risks from human activities. 7. Encourage non-consumptive uses of eiders | Circumpolar Eider Conservation Strategy and Action Plan | 1997 | |
CBird: Seabird Expert Group | Action | 4.3 | Commercial activities: 8. Identify eiders populations and habitats at risk from oil pollution, 9. Reduce eider mortality caused by commercial fisheries activities. | Circumpolar Eider Conservation Strategy and Action Plan | 1997 | |
CBird: Seabird Expert Group | Action | 4.4 | Habitat protection and enhancement: 10. Prepare a summary of protected eider areas, 11. Evaluate existing mechanisms for protecting eider habitat, 12. Protect additional eider habitat as needed, 13 Implement other needed protective measures | Circumpolar Eider Conservation Strategy and Action Plan | 1997 | |
CBird: Seabird Expert Group | Action | 4.5 | Communication and consultation: 14. Support other eider conservation initiatives, 15. Ensure coordination with other bird conservation plans, 16. Enlist support of local residents and others interested in eiders, 17. Solicit periodic evaluation of the Strategy by eider specialists, 18. Prepare periodic reports summarizing accomplishments in eider conservation, 19. Ensure that eider conservation projects include an educational component. | Circumpolar Eider Conservation Strategy and Action Plan | 1997 | |
CBird: Seabird Expert Group | Action | 4.6 | Research and monitoring: 20. Develop comprehensive research agendas for each species, 21. Estimate population size, productivity, survivorship, and movements for each major eider populations , 22. Study effects of contaminants on eiders, 23. Develop monitoring plans for eiders | Circumpolar Eider Conservation Strategy and Action Plan | 1997 | |
CBird: Seabird Expert Group | Action | 5.1 | Priorities: 1. Identify and prioritize actions, 2. Emphasize causes of eider declines, 3. Establish international, national and regional eider monitoring programs | Circumpolar Eider Conservation Strategy and Action Plan | 1997 | |
CBird: Seabird Expert Group | Action | 5.2 | Collaboration and cooperation: 4. Prepare "National Implementation Plans", 5. Enlist the participation of regional and local governments, 6. Obtain assistance from local residents and eider specialists | Circumpolar Eider Conservation Strategy and Action Plan | 1997 | |
CBird: Seabird Expert Group | Action | 5.3 | Reporting: 7. Provide appropriate opportunities for communication between individuals interested in eider conservation, 8. Report annually to CAFF summarizing actions taken or planned under the Strategy | Circumpolar Eider Conservation Strategy and Action Plan | 1997 |