Project |
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Outcome |
Report |
Year |
CBMP Terrestrial Biodiversity Monitoring | Key finding | | Climate change is the overwhelming driver of change in terrestrial Arctic ecosystems, causing diverse,
unpredictable, and significant impacts that are expected to intensify. | State of the Arctic Terrestrial Biodiversity: Key Findings and Advice for Monitoring | 2021 | |
CBMP Terrestrial Biodiversity Monitoring | Key finding | | Changing frequency, intensity and timing of extreme and unusual weather events due to climate change are
affecting some species, with unknown effects on populations. | State of the Arctic Terrestrial Biodiversity: Key Findings and Advice for Monitoring | 2021 | |
CBMP Terrestrial Biodiversity Monitoring | Key finding | | Although some trends have been observed, natural variability in Arctic terrestrial environments and large
information gaps make it difficult to assess and summarize global trends for Arctic terrestrial biodiversity. | State of the Arctic Terrestrial Biodiversity: Key Findings and Advice for Monitoring | 2021 | |
CBMP Terrestrial Biodiversity Monitoring | Key finding | | Species from southern ecosystems are moving into the Arctic and are expected to push Arctic species
northwards, create an “Arctic squeeze,” and change species’ interactions. | State of the Arctic Terrestrial Biodiversity: Key Findings and Advice for Monitoring | 2021 | |
CBMP Terrestrial Biodiversity Monitoring | Key finding | | Changes in culturally important food resources have implications on the food security and cultures of
Indigenous Peoples and Arctic residents. | State of the Arctic Terrestrial Biodiversity: Key Findings and Advice for Monitoring | 2021 | |
CBMP Terrestrial Biodiversity Monitoring | Key finding | | The range and complexity of drivers affecting Arctic terrestrial biodiversity signals the need for comprehensive,
integrated, ecosystem-based monitoring programs, coupled with targeted research projects to help decipher
causal patterns of change. | State of the Arctic Terrestrial Biodiversity: Key Findings and Advice for Monitoring | 2021 | |
CBMP Terrestrial Biodiversity Monitoring | Advice | | Ecosystem-based Monitoring and Reporting: Monitoring and reporting should encompass all key taxonomic groups and their likely relationships, linking responses to main biotic and abiotic drivers of change.
- Better coordinate between disciplines and knowledge systems both within and among Arctic states and Indigenous organizations, including experts in abiotic drivers of change (the Arctic Monitoring and Assessment Program) and other monitoring initiatives.
- Promote long-term integrated studies across biomes and taxonomic groups for examining trophic dynamics and other key interactions.
- Improve integration of factors that underpin changes in phenology, demography, and abundance.
| State of the Arctic Terrestrial Biodiversity: Key Findings and Advice for Monitoring | 2021 | |
CBMP Terrestrial Biodiversity Monitoring | Advice | | Coordination: Improved coordination of monitoring is necessary to implement a comprehensive, integrated, ecosystem-based monitoring program envisioned by the CBMP. Coordination is necessary to help achieve additional advice for monitoring presented in the START.
- Design statistically rigorous sampling methodologies and protocols.
- Encourage states to implement the CBMP Terrestrial Plan to secure long-term funding for existing monitoring.
- CAFF, including the CBMP, should take a coordinating role to follow-up on advice from this report. Specific tasks are found in the CBMP Strategic Plan 2021-2025.
| State of the Arctic Terrestrial Biodiversity: Key Findings and Advice for Monitoring | 2021 | |
CBMP Terrestrial Biodiversity Monitoring | Advice | | Methods : Increased attention to methodology facilitates more precise and comparable results, standardized data collection, and ability to link regional monitoring to circumpolar efforts.
- Standardize how data is collected, managed, and reported, including field and sampling protocols, data collection methods, terminology, database harmonization and management, tools for data archiving and specimen libraries, including identification and curation.
- Create a harmonized, accessible, and long-term taxonomic framework for Arctic monitoring.
- Complete baseline studies and structured inventories to improve circumpolar data across FECs.
- Promote multi-species studies and long-term time series data.
| State of the Arctic Terrestrial Biodiversity: Key Findings and Advice for Monitoring | 2021 | |
CBMP Terrestrial Biodiversity Monitoring | Advice | | Indigenous Knowledge: The CBMP Terrestrial Plan aims to utilize both Indigenous Knowledge and science. Despite efforts, Indigenous Knowledge has not been systematically included in the START. To obtain a full assessment of the status and trends, better understand relationships and changes, and fill key knowledge gaps, there must be improved engagement with Indigenous Knowledge holders, Indigenous governments, and Indigenous monitoring programs not only in development of assessments but in collaboratively building more comprehensive monitoring programs and initiatives.
- Improve understanding of the research and monitoring priorities of PPs and Indigenous governments, organizations, and Peoples.
- Develop long-term partnerships between scientists and Indigenous Knowledge holders to co-develop mutually relevant research and monitoring priorities and programs with equitable participation in all stages of monitoring, beginning with research design, and continuing through implementation, analysis, interpretation, and communication of results.
- Seek guidance on how institutional resources can align with and support existing Indigenous-led monitoring efforts, the development of new Indigenous-led monitoring programs, and Indigenous models of land stewardship that include monitoring components.
- Consider and articulate the ways in which programs and findings can support Indigenous land stewardship.
- Support Indigenous-led monitoring capacity through investments in northern-based research, learning and digital infrastructure and by supporting education, employment, and leadership opportunities for Indigenous Peoples.
- Ensure monitoring agreements detail mechanisms for the protection and responsible use of data and Indigenous Knowledge, including basic principles of data sovereignty.
- Increase engagement of Indigenous Peoples within CBMP.
- Work with PPs to develop strategies to more effectively recognize and reflect Indigenous Knowledge in the CBMP.
| State of the Arctic Terrestrial Biodiversity: Key Findings and Advice for Monitoring | 2021 | |
CBMP Terrestrial Biodiversity Monitoring | Advice | | Local Knowledge and Citizen Science: Local Knowledge exists on a spectrum from long-term, place-based experiential knowledge held by local residents, including harvesters, to knowledge of more recent residents. As such, monitoring efforts to work with Local Knowledge must interact with a wide range of diverse knowledge holders.
- Dedicate more time to collaboration with Local Knowledge holders in monitoring design, analysis and interpretation.
- Encourage and support citizen science platforms that engage Arctic residents, as well as visitors. Platforms should reflect strong scientific goals, have transparent methods for evaluating data quality, build communities of observers, engage a strong volunteer base, and devote consistent efforts to communicating results.
- Identify and collaborate across existing platforms to increase awareness and participation in citizen science and consider new approaches to address knowledge gaps.
- Invest in digital infrastructure as a prerequisite for fully accessible platforms to inform biodiversity monitoring.
| State of the Arctic Terrestrial Biodiversity: Key Findings and Advice for Monitoring | 2021 | |
CBMP Terrestrial Biodiversity Monitoring | Advice | | Knowledge Gaps : Currently, there is some monitoring for all FECs, but it varies in coverage, duration, frequency and access to institutional support and resources.
- Expand and coordinate long-term in situ time series across regions and across FECs.
- Implement ecosystem-based approaches that better monitor and link biological attributes to environmental drivers.
- Increase partnerships with Indigenous Knowledge holders and organizations.
- Increase and support contributions from Local Knowledge holders and citizen science.
- Work with Arctic Council Observer states to collect and compile knowledge on Arctic biodiversity.
- Improve data collection on rare species and species of concern.
| State of the Arctic Terrestrial Biodiversity: Key Findings and Advice for Monitoring | 2021 | |
CBMP Terrestrial Biodiversity Monitoring | Advice | | Vegetation : Monitoring of vegetation is inconsistent, with large gaps in geographical cover. Of the four FECs for monitoring vegetation, the START was able to report on all plants, species of concern, and invasive alien species. Food species were not included as data were too disparate.
- Investigate causality in vegetation change in the context of ecosystem components, including habitat specific drivers, particularly climate, and emphasize ecosystem-based approaches.
- Continue and expand in situ time series.
- Utilize plot-based vegetation surveys to provide insight into vegetation changes and improve the ability to predict environmental change impacts on tundra ecosystems.
- Better consider the expected impacts of biotic and abiotic drivers on vegetation change when developing monitoring programs and conceptual models.
- Use regional and global remote-sensing products with higher spatial and temporal resolution.
- Increase monitoring efforts for all FECs, and target efforts to address data gaps, such as for food species.
| State of the Arctic Terrestrial Biodiversity: Key Findings and Advice for Monitoring | 2021 | |
CBMP Terrestrial Biodiversity Monitoring | Advice | | Arthropods : Arthropods are highly diverse and under-studied. They serve as important connections between trophic levels and several are important indicators of changing environments. The START reports on six FECs: pollinators, decomposers, herbivores, prey for vertebrates, blood-feeding insects, and predators and parasitoids. Only a few localized trends are provided due to high variability and lack of monitoring.
- Implement long-term sampling programs at strategic sites with rigorous standardized trapping protocols.
- Collect baseline data, including structured inventories, using standardized protocols for FECs and key attributes.
- Work with Indigenous Knowledge holders, Local Knowledge holders, and/or citizen science to identify regionally important species to monitor, and key locations for long-term monitoring activities.
- Focus monitoring efforts on taxa that: (a) are well-studied with existing data; (b) respond to, or are vulnerable to, change; and/or (c) have possible range shifts. • Monitor dominant habitats at a variety of sites at both small and large geographic scales.
- Monitor relevant microhabitat environmental parameters, in addition to climatological variables, and connect to biological trends at relevant scale.
- Focus on critical FEC attributes, including ecosystem processes such as pollination, decomposition, and herbivory.
- Continue specimen sorting, identification and reporting and construct a complete trait database.
- Complete molecular sequence libraries, increase international collaboration to collate, analyze, archive, and make data accessible.
| State of the Arctic Terrestrial Biodiversity: Key Findings and Advice for Monitoring | 2021 | |
CBMP Terrestrial Biodiversity Monitoring | Advice | | Birds: Most bird species are difficult to monitor and attribute change due to the large spatial extent of their breeding habitats and multiple threats throughout flyways. Current monitoring is uneven and inadequate. The START reports on herbivores, insectivores, carnivores, and omnivores.
- Sustaining long-term monitoring projects is the best opportunity to track changes in FECs and drivers of those changes.
- Expand monitoring of species and populations with unknown or uncertain trends such as waders in the Central Asian Flyway and East Asian–Australasian Flyway (under the Arctic Migratory Birds Initiative).
- Improve monitoring coverage of the high Arctic and other areas with poor spatial coverage (i.e., Canadian Arctic Archipelago, Greenland, and eastern Russia), including staging and wintering areas within and outside the Arctic.
- Adopt new and emerging monitoring technologies, including various tagging devices (for the study of distribution and migration, and identification of critical stopover and wintering sites), bioacoustics (for abundance and diversity sampling), and satellite data (for colony monitoring).
- Enhance coordination within and among Arctic and non-Arctic states to improve data collection on migratory species and critical site identification across species’ ranges.
- Harmonize long-term studies to improve the reliability of status and trends assessments, ability to report on FEC attributes (e.g., phenology), and possible effects of environmental change, including risks of phenological mismatch.
- Use research stations as platforms to increase data coordination, sampling, and analyses, of FECs and drivers, and ensure standardized bird monitoring is part of station mandates where lacking.
- Strengthen linkages with AMAP to improve contaminant monitoring at different trophic levels and facilitate cooperation on isotope and genetic studies.
| State of the Arctic Terrestrial Biodiversity: Key Findings and Advice for Monitoring | 2021 | |
CBMP Terrestrial Biodiversity Monitoring | Advice | | Mammals: The START reports on half of mammal FECs including large herbivores (caribou/reindeer, muskoxen), small herbivores (lemming), and medium-sized predators (Arctic fox). Data deficiencies prohibited reporting on medium-sized herbivores, and large and small predators.
- Develop synchronized protocols that include more attributes and reduce geographical knowledge gaps.
- Establish or expand international monitoring networks for medium-sized herbivores and large and small carnivores.
- Emphasize spatial structure and diversity in monitoring efforts due to the northward advance of southern competitors and vegetation changes.
- For large herbivore, small herbivore, and medium-sized predator FECs:
- Agree on priorities and harmonize data collection across sites and programs;
- Share and standardize protocols, in cooperation with relevant partners including Indigenous Peoples and organizations, to include abundance, demographics, spatial structure, health, phenology and, for harvested species, harvest rates; and
- Ensure monitoring programs employ existing methods with new harmonized methods to allow data comparisons.
- Monitor health as an attribute and develop standardized health assessment protocols due to the anticipated impact of climate change on distribution and prevalence of disease.
- Monitor abiotic factors and drivers of change, across greater spatial distributions to assess the cumulative impacts of climate and other anthropogenic change on populations across their ranges.
- Conduct research on the vulnerabilities of populations to climate change and human impacts, and on genetic diversity and spatial structure of FECs.
- Increase collaboration using interdisciplinary and multi-knowledge approaches to share site- and population-specific information. This can improve monitoring and lead to better models to assess the vulnerabilities and resilience of specific populations.
- Address challenges in assessing abundance of FECs across the Arctic, including:
- reliability of abundance estimates, such as lack of precision and accuracy;
- changing baselines, such as changes in species distribution, sampling methodology, and areas monitored; and
- differences in frequency and spatial extent of monitoring.
| State of the Arctic Terrestrial Biodiversity: Key Findings and Advice for Monitoring | 2021 | |
Circumpolar Biodiversity Monitoring Program (CBMP) | | 1 | CBMP remains relevant by providing high quality information about biodiversity trends to support decision making at global, national, regional, and local levels.
Objective 1.1: Through dialogue with Arctic States and Permanent Participants, identify and address priorities where CBMP information could support reporting and decision-making.
- Activity 1: CBMP Co-leads offer to arrange annual meetings with CAFF Board members, during each 2-year Arctic Council chairmanship period to gain direct input on priorities related to CBMP and to ensure progress is communicated and discussed nationally.
- Activity 2: Initiate a process to evaluate how CBMP is most relevant and can meet future needs for States, Permanent Participants, and other stakeholders.
Objective 1.2: Ensure that the CBMP Strategy is aligned with the new Action Plan for 2020-2030.
- Activity 1: Engage in the development of the new Action Plan for Biodiversity.
- Activity 2: Revise the CBMP Strategic Plan as needed to support priorities in the new Action Plan for 2020-2030.
Objective 1.3: Strengthen International Collaborations that enhance the use of CBMP products and data among others via the Arctic Biodiversity Data Service (ABDS), as well as support CAFF’s framework of agreements with international biodiversity-relevant conventions and organisations.
- Activity 1: Continue development of the Arctic Biodiversity Dashboard as a means for tracking and reporting target progress towards global biodiversity targets at national and regional scales.
- Activity 2: Take national, circumpolar, and global needs into account when planning follow-up to the SABR for example, by creating a case study to explore how CBMP can address other reporting requirements e.g., EU directives and the Global Biodiversity Framework, or Integrated Ecosystem Assessments.
- Activity 3: Deliver key findings and advice from the CBMP to CAFF’s partners.
- Activity 4: Ensure that data generated by CBMP are made available via the ABDS and are accessible to relevant international partners. Ensure data interoperability with these partners where possible, e.g., the Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF) and the Ocean Biodiversity Information System (OBIS).
- Activity 5: Maintain strategic links with other Arctic Council groups, relevant organizations, and initiatives; and grow linkages as relevant.
Objective 1.4: Include where relevant Indigenous Knowledge and Local Knowledge in CBMP.
- Activity 1: Improve inclusion of Indigenous Knowledge within CBMP through a co-production of knowledge approach to inform better decision-making.
- Activity 2: Use the Arctic Biodiversity Congress in 2022/23 as an opportunity to consider how Indigenous Knowledge and Local Knowledge are used in CBMP and ways to enhance engagement, e.g., through associated meetings and sessions.
- Activity 3: Include Indigenous Knowledge and Local Knowledge where relevant in revisions of Arctic Biodiversity Monitoring Plans (e.g., when considering follow-up on the State of the Arctic Biodiversity Reports).
Objective 1.5: Promote awareness of the CBMP and its value towards improving decision-making, for example develop outreach material specific to each State and PP that presents nationally relevant key findings and activities of the CBMP.
- Activity 1: Ensure more effective, flexible, up-to-date, and interactive communication of CBMP products and outcomes, including e.g., learning materials, workshops and participatory approaches merging science and art.
- Activity 2: CAFF Secretariat will, together with CBMP Co-leads and CBMP Steering Groups, develop, test, and promote a toolkit for use by Arctic States and PPs for dissemination of products, which can be tailored based on the product, etc. If possible, the pilot-project will be made as a follow-up to the SAFBR and START.
- Activity 3: Where possible, support translation of key documents and findings from CBMP activities into languages other than English.
- Activity 4: Develop national one-page updates on activities related to each of the CBMP monitoring plans that include short, country-specific progress reports on SABR follow up, where relevant.
- Activity 5: Support development of peer-reviewed scientific articles based on CBMP efforts to ensure access in scientific literature of CBMP outcomes, e.g., through production of Journal Special Issues.
- Activity 6: Continue to produce headline indicators.
- Activity 7: Continue to produce annual newsletters to keep the scientific community informed of CBMP news, events, and initiatives.
- Activity 8: Facilitate increased meaningful engagement of Permanent Participants and the knowledge systems they represent.
- Activity 9 Facilitate increased participation of young scientists in CBMP activities, e.g., through internships.
- Activity 10: Continue improving networking and coordination for experts e.g., through annual meetings and supporting National and Expert Networks.
| Circumpolar Biodiversity Monitoring Program Strategic Plan: 2021-2025 | 2021 | |
Circumpolar Biodiversity Monitoring Program (CBMP) | | 2 | The CBMP is an adaptive, integrated monitoring program that provides timely information about status, trends, and changes in Arctic biodiversity and ecosystems.
Objective 2.1: Integrate lessons learned and advice for monitoring outlined in the SABRs into next steps of CBMP.
- Activity 1: After completion of major products such as SABRs, CBMP will initiate a scoping process to evaluate and prioritize FECs as indicators of change. This process will use lessons learned and SABR key findings and advice and result in a revised monitoring plan or long-term implementation plan.
- Activity 2: Review and consider lessons learned, when developing work plans.
Objective 2.2: Evaluate the effectiveness of existing and new methods and technologies as a tool to support biodiversity monitoring and assessment.
- Activity 1: Continue to improve and update Arctic Biodiversity Monitoring Plans based upon the SABR advice and lessons learned.
- Activity 2: Explore the use of remote sensing and e-DNA in CBMP activities.
- Activity 3: Consider impacts of stressors and drivers, including cumulative impacts, within reviews of the Arctic Biodiversity Monitoring Plans.•Activity 4: Consider how to understand the impact and effect of extreme events (e.g., wildfires, invasive species, extreme weather events etc.) on biodiversity, within revisions of Arctic Biodiversity Monitoring Plans.
Objective 2.3: Identify expert networks relevant for CBMP.
- Activity 1: Invite relevant networks to participate in the CBMP, including regional, Indigenous, and citizen science networks, e.g., eBird, iNaturalist.
- Activity 2: Enhance engagement of experts from Observer states and organisations.
Objective 2.4: Increase access to Arctic biodiversity data.
- Activity 1: Further develop interoperability of the ABDS with national and global data centres to facilitate access to existing and new data.
- Activity 2: Continue to work with Steering Groups, Expert Networks, and partners (such as the Arctic Spatial Data Infrastructure) to improve and consider issues of data access, visualization, metadata, comparison, and standardization.
- Activity 3: Develop a data management manual describing the flow of data from the field to CAFF assessments, including the harmonization of data across sites and scales.
- Activity 4: Increase the awareness of the ABDS amongst target audiences and other partners, including industry and other sectors.
Objective 2.5: Continue and strengthen cross-cutting activities among the CBMP Steering Groups.
- Activity 1: Hold bi-monthly telephone meetings between CBMP Co-leads and CBMP Steering Group Co-Chairs align and coordinate activities between CBMP Steering Groups. In-person meetings will also be held in conjunction with CAFF Board meetings when possible.
- Activity 2: Consider how to develop more targeted and integrated reporting
- Activity 3: Initiate steps to integrate work between the four groups.
- Activity 4: Design and develop a plan to include modelling and predictive science within CBMP, to be aligned with the 2023 CAFF Action Plan for Biodiversity.
- Activity 5: Conduct a landscape analysis of existing synergies within CBMP and other CAFF initiatives, as well as Arctic Council working groups, including the Arctic Monitoring and Assessment Program (AMAP) and the Protection of the Arctic Marine Environment (PAME), to be aligned with the 2023 Action Plan for Biodiversity.
Objective 2.6: Via expert networks, develop user manuals and test implementation of CBMP Arctic Biodiversity Monitoring Plans in the field.
- Activity 1: CBMP Terrestrial and Freshwater Groups will, together with the CAFF Secretariat and the CBMP Co-leads, continue to work on best practices for field trials on selected FECs and, as resources allow, produce site-specific user manuals at selected stations.
- Activity 2: CBMP Marine and Coastal Group will together with the CBMP co-leads consider how to replicate Activity 1 and/or implement these approaches into the Marine and Coastal Monitoring Plans.
- Activity 3: The CAFF Secretariat will, through the CAFF webpage and the ABDS, publish recommended methods and link to internationally agreed-upon standardized monitoring methods to implement CBMP monitoring at monitoring stations.
| Circumpolar Biodiversity Monitoring Program Strategic Plan: 2021-2025 | 2021 | |
Circumpolar Biodiversity Monitoring Program (CBMP) | | 3 | The CBMP is sustainable and its organizational structure facilitates achievement of its goals.
Objective 3.1: Program coordination and organization is sustainable.
- Activity 1: Improve capacity related to CBMP core functions and implementation through cost sharing methods.
- Activity 2: Ensure that each Steering Group continues to have a designated Coordinator to help with coordination and key deliverables.
- Activity 3: Sustain Steering Group structure including coordination or other needed support for each group, and ensure clear and timely scheduling of meetings, agendas, notes, etc.
- Activity 4: Align future production of Steering Group workplans in a similar format to facilitate integration efforts.
- Activity 5: Each CBMP Steering Group will continue to produce annual progress reports and workplans to help track progress and define future tasks.
- Activity 6: Facilitate that CBMP Steering Groups and Expert networks have the necessary participation as needed to implement CAFF Board-approved workplans.
- Activity 7: Evaluation of the CBMP Strategic Plan is a standing item on the CAFF Board meeting agendas.
Objective 3.2: CBMP is sustainable through relevancy.
- Activity 1: Conduct an evaluation, including a qualitative and where possible a quantitative evaluation on CBMP after further input from the CAFF Board.
| Circumpolar Biodiversity Monitoring Program Strategic Plan: 2021-2025 | 2021 | |
Inspiring Arctic Voices Through Youth | Goal | | Youth are engaged in the work of CAFF and in Arctic biodiversity conservation to their full potential. | CAFF Arctic Youth Engagement Strategy: 2021-2026 | 2021 | |