Arctic Biodiversity Data Service (ABDS)
The ABDS is an online tool to house, collect, display and search for Arctic biodiversity related data, maps and graphics for decision making.
The ABDS is the online, interoperable data management system for biodiversity data generated via CAFF activities, including its Circumpolar Biodiversity Monitoring Programme (CBMP).
The goal of ABDS is to facilitate access, integration, analysis, and display of biodiversity information for scientists, practitioners, managers, policy makers and others working to understand, conserve and manage the Arctic's wildlife and ecosystems.
Each time a new report or product is released by CAFF the associated datasets are archived and made accessible via the ABDS whenever possible.
The ABDS is built using open source solutions designed to facilitate sharing of information, i.e., GeoServer, GeoNetwork, an Integrated Publishing Toolkit (IPT) and PHP maker. Sitting atop a Postgre SQL PostGIS database5 this framework provides a searchable web interface to access geospatial data across multiple catalogues, combine distributed map services, publish geospatial data, and schedule metadata harvesting from other catalogues.
The ABDS ensures that biodiversity data provided to CAFF are organized to guarantee a lasting legacy in a manner that facilitates data discovery; increased understanding; more informed and rapid decision-making; and ongoing research.
The ABDS increases access to Arctic biodiversity data for the common good of scientists, policy makers and other stakeholders both inside and outside of the Arctic. It is intended to allow for discovery, archiving and access to data at various scales. Such a framework is essential to ensure effective, consistent, and long-term management of the data resulting from CAFF and its partners activities.
Consolidating the vast amount of disaggregated data across all Arctic sub-regions and biomes will improve access to biodiversity status and trends information and promote a deeper understanding of inter-relationships at the local, regional, circumpolar and global scale.
The CAFF Secretariat supports network data management, metadata assignment, establishing interoperable links via the ABDS with relevant data portals, hosting relevant datasets that are not accessible elsewhere, rescuing datasets, and working to ensure that appropriate standards are applied.