Actions for Arctic Biodiversity: Implementing the recommendations of the ABA
Actions for Arctic Biodiversity is the implementation plan for the Arctic Biodiversity Assessment's 17 recommendations and CAFF's strategic guiding document.
The Actions for Arctic Biodiversity 2013-2023 (the Action Plan) is the implementation plan for the Arctic Biodiversity Assessment (ABA) recommendations.
The Action Plan is a living document that is organized, reviewed and updated every two years, corresponding to the cycle of rotation of the chairmanship of the Arctic Council. Each period finishes at a Ministerial Meeting where the focus and deliverables for the next phase are reviewed. This delineation of phases was selected to assist with priority alignment, resource allocation, and reporting within the Arctic Council.
Regular progress reports are prepared to guide adjustments in the suite of implementation actions over the lifetime of the plan to achieve greater impact, meet new challenges, and take advantage of opportunities that arise. The reporting framework includes:
- Annual reports: on progress towards implementation of the Action Plan;
- Biennial reports: a more in-depth evaluation every second year to review progress and guide revisions as necessary for the following two-year period;
- Final report: which will include recommendations for follow-up.
The Action Plan is not meant to be exhaustive or to replace working group work plans; rather it is complimentary, emphasizing specific actions that address ABA recommendations.
Nadine Kochuten
Aleut International Association Head of Delegation to CAFF, Salmon Peoples of the Arctic Steering Committee -
Tonje Johansen
Saami Council Head of Delegation to CAFF, Salmon Peoples of the Arctic Steering Committee -
Vladimir Klimov
Russian Association of Indigenous Peoples of the North Head of Delegation to CAFF, Salmon Peoples of the Arctic Steering Committee
Lead Working Groups
CAFFLead Arctic States & Permanent Participants
The Kingdom of DenmarkEngaged observers
Arctic Institute of North America (AINA)Association of World Reindeer Herders (AWRH)
International Arctic Science Committee (IASC)
International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES)
North Atlantic Marine Mammal Commission (NAMMCO)
Northern Forum (NF)
People's Republic of China
Republic of India
Republic of Korea
Republic of Singapore
The Netherlands
United Kingdom
United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)
World Wide Fund for Nature, Arctic Programme (WWF)