
Birds Expert Network

The Bird Expert Network of the CBMP-Terrestrial provides information on the status and potential changes in Arctic birds and advice for monitoring.

The Bird Expert Network of the CBMP-Terrestrial is tasked with advising on how to implement relevant components of the Arctic Terrestrial Biodiversity Monitoring Plan. In the Arctic Terrestrial Biodiversity Monitoring Plan, birds have been identified as a Focal Ecosystem Component (FEC). FECs are key elements of the Arctic terrestrial ecosystem. Changes in FECs status likely indicate changes in the overall environment.

Bird FECs include:

  • Insectivores (shorebirds, waders, passerines),
  • Carnivores (birds of prey, owls, skuas, jaegars, ravens),
  • Herbivores (geese, swans, ptarmigan); and
  • Omnivores (piscivores, cranes, ducks).