Extreme ice/snow cover

Nest in snow storm
Nest in snow storm
Photo: Dan Ruthrauff/USGS
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Monitoring ecosystem impacts of the extreme event Description of extreme event Detecting and monitoring the extreme event itself  
Name Suggested background data needed to assess impact on ecosystem/biodiversity (if any)* Suggested method to monitor impacts of extreme event (if different from or background data are missing) Expected temporal scale of impact Priority FECs to monitor Description Expected temporal scale of extreme event itself Expected spatial scale of extreme event itself Types of impact (and relevant cascading effects) Definition of extreme event (see also Definition-sheet) Variable to detect extreme event Method to monitor (risk of) extreme event itself (if different from detection method) Reference/Links
Thickness Diversity, abundance, composition, productivity, phenology, spatial structure, ecosystem functions and processes, phenology, demographics, temporal cycles and health for flora and fauna Monitor in affected and comparable reference area < 1 year Brief (< month) Large (region/ > 10 km2) Delay of snow melt and uncover of vegetation, decreases availability of feed for higher trophic levels and higher risk of mismatch Weekly measurements of snow cover thickness
Spatial coverage Diversity, abundance, composition, productivity, phenology, spatial structure, ecosystem functions and processes, phenology, demographics, temporal cycles and health for flora and fauna Monitor in affected and comparable reference area < 1 year Medium (< year) Large scale (Regional, > 100 km2) Larger area, with potential decerased availablity of feed for higher trophic levels Weekly measurements of snow cover thickness combined with satelite information on spatial range
Temporal coverage Diversity, abundance, composition, productivity, phenology, spatial structure, ecosystem functions and processes, phenology, demographics, temporal cycles and health for flora and fauna Monitor in affected and comparable reference area < 1 year Medium (< year) Large (region/ > 10 km2) Delay in uncover of vegetation, decreases productivity, availability of feed for higher trophic levels and higher risk of mismatch Weekly measurements of snow cover thickness
