CAFF activities at COP26
Please join the following COP26 side events where CAFF is engaged which focus on communicating the Key Findings and Recommendations from the Resilience & Management of Arctic Wetlands (RAW) project released at the May 2021 Arctic Council Ministerial
4 November 16.00 - 17.00: GMT in the Cryosphere Pavilion
Resilience & Management of Permafrost Wetlands
Wetlands and peatlands cover large areas in the Arctic permafrost region, and are globally important as long-term carbon sinks, as wildlife habitats and as migration pathways. At broad scales, human emission reductions is the only way to prevent widespread permafrost thaw, but at the landscape scale, effective management of wetlands can contribute significantly to climate adaptation and mitigation and conservation of biodiversity. In May 2021, The Resilience & Management of Arctic Wetlands project delivered a suite of Key Findings and Policy Recommendations to the Foreign Ministers of the Arctic States. This session presents and discusses these findings, including indigenous perspectives.
- Gustaf Hugelius, CAFF/ Stockholm University. Introduction and presentation of the CAFF RAW project Key Findings and Recommendations. (speaker and panellist)
- Dalee Sambo Dorough, Inuit Council Circumpolar Council International Chair (speaker and panellist)
- Marcus Carson, Stockholm Environment Institute (speaker and panellist)
- Name tbc, Inuit Hunter (panellist)
- This event can be viewed online here
Friday 05 November 16.00 - 16.50: GMT in the Nordic Pavilion
Wetland/Peatland conservation, restoration, and management: from Scotland to the Arctic
Effective conservation, restoration, and management of wetlands, including peatlands, holds enormous potential to contribute to climate adaptation and mitigation, and conservation of biodiversity. Here, policy makers and experts from Scotland and Arctic states will explore the challenges and opportunities that are emerging as we collectively seek to protect and restore these crucial ecosystems.
- Tobias Salathe (tbc), Ramsar (chair and moderator)
- Marie McAllan, Scottish Government – Minister for Environment and Land Reform (speaker and panellist)
- Terhi Lehtonen, State Secretary at the Ministry for the Environment, Finland (speaker and panellist)
- Gustaf Hugelius, CAFF/Stockholm University (speaker and panellist)
- Andrew Coupar, NatureScot – Policy and Advice Manager, Uplands, and Peatlands (panellist)
- This event can be viewed online here
For further information: