Strategy and Workplan
CAFF's work is guided by the Arctic Council Ministers and Senior Arctic Officials, the CAFF Management Board, the Actions for Arctic Biodiversity strategic plan and biennial workplans.
Actions for Arctic Biodiversity
The Actions for Arctic Biodiversity: Implementing the Recommendations from the Arctic Biodiversity Assessment 2013-2023, provides the strategic framework under which CAFF activities are conducted.
This strategy document was approved by the Arctic Council Ministers and responds to the 2013 Kiruna Ministerial Declaration:
"Note with concern that Arctic biodiversity is being degraded and that climate change is the most serious threat, welcome the Arctic Biodiversity Assessment, the first Arctic-wide comprehensive assessment of status and emerging trends in Arctic biodiversity, approve its recommendations and encourage Arctic States to follow up on its recommendations, and instruct Senior Arctic Officials to ensure that a plan for further work under the Arctic Council to support and implement its recommendations is developed, and that a progress report is delivered to the next ministerial meeting."
CAFF Biennial Work Plans
CAFF's biennial work plans describe work that will be implemented over the coming year(s) during an Arctic State Chairmanship to fulfil the CAFF mandate. CAFF's work plans are updated and agreed to at meetings of the CAFF Management Board, and subject to approval by Senior Arctic Officials and Ministers.